How Many Cesars to Feed Your Dog Per Day


A dog is checked by the veterinarian for the possibility of diabetes. Your pet care provider may request various tests to confirm the diagnosis.

All About Dogs

Protecting Your Dog From Diabetes

You may be surprised and disheartened if you learn that your dog has diabetes. But with proper care, your beloved pup can live a long and healthy life. Just like in human beings, this form of condition is marked by a lack of insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar in check. When an animal or human has diabetes, its muscles have trouble converting glucose into energy. An excess of glucose builds up in the blood, causing a state of hyperglycemia. If left untreated, this will develop into severe health problems. Types of Diabetes Type I The cells responsible for

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Overweight dog stands outside in the grass for exercise.

All About Dogs

How To Get Your Dog Back In Shape

As many people know, the obesity epidemic in America doesn't just affect humans; it extends to our canine companions as well. A 2015 study showed that 52.7% of dogs in the U.S are obese! This statistic is frightening, as obesity in dogs brings with it a whole host of problems like joint damage and immobility issues. Even with these potential problems, many Pack Leaders still struggle with determining how to get a dog to lose weight. What's the best routine? What changes need to be made? We will walk through these answers, teach you how to get your dog back

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A dog enjoys a pet-friendly cold treat

All About Dogs

Human Food for Dogs That Will Not Harm

Have you been wondering "Is human food bad for dogs?" Although we humans try to keep our dogs on their canine diets, we sometimes just can't resist slipping them an occasional human morsel. If you've been wondering what human food is safe for dogs, you certainly do not want to miss this article. Let's Explore the Best Human Food for Dogs That Are Safe and Healthy for Our Canine Friends Peanut butter The first on our list of best human food for dogs is peanut butter. As a favorite treat for many canines, peanut butter is an excellent source of

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a dog enjoys a meal outside

Dog Care

Making Dinner Special For Your Dog

by Cesar Millan Mealtime is when we make one of the most important connections with our dogs — or at least it should be. It is the perfect time to reinforce your role as Pack Leader, because you are the source of the food they need. So for me it is important to take a little time over meals and not just throw something in a bowl and put it out for the dogs. Here Are My Tips for Making Dinner Special for Your Dog Be Consistent Just as with all other aspects of training — and follow a ritual

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A dog gets some fresh water on a hot day.

All About Dogs

Hydrate Your Hound For Health

Have You Replenished Your Dog's Water Bowl Today? Water nourishes, cleanses and hydrates all living creatures on earth, including our canine companions. Dogs, like humans, are made up of nearly 80 percent water. Without enough of it, they can suffer — or worse, notes Cynthia Otto, DVM, PhD, who is board certified in veterinary emergency and critical care and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania's school of veterinary medicine in Philadelphia. "Just like people, most of a dog's body is made up of water," says Otto, "And so it's absolutely essential for every function of his body. A dog

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dog is looking for food right after eating

All About Dogs

Why Dogs Eat… And Eat… And Eat…

There's an old cliché about dogs — they'll eat everything you put in front of them, whether they're hungry or not. There may be a grain of truth to it, but not all dogs are voracious eating machines. Some are perfectly content to snack from their bowl when they feel the urge and others will stop when they feel full, not going back for seconds at all. But there are certainly plenty of dogs to give some truth to the cliché. No matter how well fed they are, they will never turn down more, and it's quite easy to imagine

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a dog eats dinner from his bowl

All About Dogs

Puppy Feeding Guidelines

Hello, I am rescuing my first puppy next Monday. She'll be 11.5 weeks when we get her, and I've never had a dog that young. The people fostering her are feeding her litter 3/4 cup twice a day. She's an Australian shepherd/great pyrenees/golden retriever mix. I keep reading mixed things about feeding them twice or three times a day. Which do you recommend? And if it is three times a day, given that she's almost three months old, how much would you feed her each time? I have an appointment with a vet on that Friday, but wanted to ask

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All About Dogs

5 Ways To Keep Your Dog Happy And Healthy

This article is brought to you by Vivamune™ Health Chews. Vibrant health made simple. As a dedicated dog parent, the steps I take to make improvements in my life often involve my pup. The things I do to keep him happy and healthy often benefit me in the same way, and it helps to have a buddy to stay motivated. Dewey is my eight-year-old black lab, pit bull mix, and he's my biggest motivator to be my best self. He makes me a better person and I owe it to him to provide him with the best life. Dewey and

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All About Dogs

Tricks For Treats: Training Your Dog With Food

Food is a powerful motivator for dogs — which is why it can often be very effective for obedience training. You are asking your dog to complete what may be a complicated task for her — understand a verbal or visual cue and then perform a desired behavior. This may seem straightforward and simple to you, but dogs don't communicate this way in nature. By harnessing the power of something that is very primal to them — food — you can make learning the task much easier for them. Here are a few tips for how to approach food-oriented obedience

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All About Dogs

Choosing The Right Dog Food

There are many websites in favor and against raw diets. The pro websites say you can relieve your dog of allergy agents known to be in commercial kibble, such as corn, wheat, and soy. The con websites warn against salmonella poisoning and bacterial infections. Can you give insight on this subject, particularly in relation to feeding chicken, beef, and lamb? Is there an increased risk of Neospora or other health-related issues with feeding dogs raw diets? Thank You, — Cheryl Dear Cheryl, The decision on what to feed our canine children is a complex one. There are pet food companies

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